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House Hunters: God's Edition

Pastor Michele Irby, Author


"Have you forgotten that your body is not the sacred temple of the Spirit of Holiness, who lives in you? You don't belong to yourself any longer, forthe gift of God, the Holy Spirit, lives inside your sanctuary" (I Corinthians 6:19 The Passion Translation)


We have been created as temples for the presence of God to dwell. God desires to take up residents in us so that He can live through us. Unfortunately, most of us have allowed our "houses" to become wastelands, dumping grounds, smoke houses, brothels, and the like, making it difficult for the Spirit of God to thrive. As a result, our temples have become soiled by our life's choices and ourinability or lack of desire to hollow ourselves out to make room for God to fulfill His glory in our lives. Our houses are leaning. Our houses are falling apart. Our houses are often uninhabitable for God. God is on the hunt for houses that are ready to receive Him and make space for His glory to rest, rule, and abide.


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Shattered Vows
Destiny Beyond Divorce

Michele Irby Johnson, Presenter

The book is a compelling compilation of dynamic individuals who share their unique stories of their experience with divorce. This book will inspire, motivate, empower, and encourage individuals globally!

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Work With The Wounds
Helping and Healing Others Through Our Pain

Michele Irby Johnson, Presenter

The book is a compelling compilation of eight dynamic individuals who share their unique stories of putting their disappointments, pain, and unexpected wounds to work for the good of themselves and others. This book will inspire, motivate, empower, and encourage individuals globally to push past their own personal struggles and ultimately triumph in spirit of their wounds.

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A Memoir Navigating Challenges with Mental Health

Michele Irby Johnson, Author

Mental health is one of those topics that many shied away from down through history. The mere mention of the phrase or the idea of mental illness often labeled or stigmatized individuals crippling them from living a quality of life due to societal ignorance and lack of understanding. Thankfully, today's society is becoming more educated and accepting of the truth about mental health issues. In this literary work, Michele share the realities of her mental health challenges from a personal perspective. This is not something that Michele expected she would experience, but her she is living it in full color. The goal of this book is not to seek pity and it is not a sad story that Michele would tell. She want to open the eyes of the reader and present an opportunity of awareness that mental illness is no longer lurking in the shadows, but that it is resident in the lives of everyday, normal people like Michele. Mental illness resides in the office, in the church, in your family, in the community and abroad, and it must be talked about so that people like Michele - and even you - can learn how to navigate the ebbs and flows of mental health issues in whatever form they may take. Michele invite you on this journey with her in hopes that you will gain a greater sensitivity of the world of mental health struggles and those who live daily within its clutches.

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Beatitude Adjustment
Reposition for the Promise

Pastor Michele Irby Johnson, Author

The circumstances of life have proven that we must make multiple adjustments in the natural and in the spirit. Adjustments that will ultimately align with our purpose for being who we were designed to be. In this book, we take a unique look at each of the nine beatitudes - the principles of grace - that Jesus mentions in His Sermon on the Mount. Holy Spirit revealed to me that we are to be a mirror of the beatitudes: however, too many of us are reflecting on beatitudes with the wrong attitudes. We often look at the beatitudes as if they belong to us alone. But how we manifest these principlese in our lives can either draw people to God or draw people away from God. God is saying it is time for a Beatitude Adjustment! It is time for us to look at the beatitudes differently. It is time for us to dig deeper into what the beatitudes mean to us personally so that we are better equipped to serve our purpose in God.

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My Bald is Beautiful
I Am Not My Hair
Michele Irby Johnson
, Visionary

At some point, our hair makes its own decision, and it chooses to "go its own way" or some medical issue has robbed us of our glorious locks. In My Bald is Beautiful, brave sisters from every walk of life share their stories of hair loss and they encourage others to embrace their new, bold look, without shame.

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Stories of Trials, Tragedy, Triumph, and Transition

(MSgt Ret.) Michele Irby Johnson, Visionary

When an individual commits to serve his or her country, that commitment is followed by the sacrifice of self-life and limb-family, career, dreams, and anything else associated with the "raising of your hand." This collective of stories of our country's brave military veterans is promised to inspire you, encourage you, and push you into a posture of grace and gratefulness as you experience their personal journey through trials, tragedies, triumphs, and transition.

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In Recovery: Rising From the Ruins
Stories of Restoration and Resilience

Michele Irby Johnson, Visionary

This anthology is a compilation of amazing individuals who chose to share their stories with the world. Just like these authors, your trials have become a testimony and your testimony becomes a landing place for others to know that they are not along...they are not the only ones who have been wounded by life, and they, too, can make it and thrive in spite of the upheavals of life.

Enjoy the heartfelt testimonies...stories of restoration and resilience and allow them to be the springboard for your healing and entrance into a greater perspective on what you have been through or what you are going through so that you, too, can RISE!

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