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We are a one-stop shop for all your publishing needs including project manangement, editing, formatting, proofreading, ghost writing, book cover design, marketing, promotion, consulting and much more.

Project Management - $250 per month
Project Management - $250 per month

OKP will make contact with the author, provide the directions and deadlines, provide follow up communications and reminders to meet the publishing deadline, provide two rounds of reviews for the authors, and communicate any additional information necessary.

Book Editing - $150 per 4,000 words
Book Editing - $150 per 4,000 words

OKP will read the content of your book, edit where necessary to improve grammar, and provide advice to improve readability of your project for your target audience.

Book Cover Design - $250
Book Cover Design - $250

OKP will listen to your vision and work to create a design to meet the publishing standards of your chosen platform. Cost includes front cover, back cover, and full cover with spine. 


Book Cover Consulting - $100
Book Cover Consulting - $100

OKP will the author to consult and share the vision to ensure the book cover design meets the publishing standards of the chosen platform.

Marketing Media - $50 each
Marketing Media - $50 each

OKP will create marketing media for each author to assist with the promotion of your book project. Cost for design only.


Book Formatting for Print - $300
Book Formatting for Print - $300

OKP will ensure the book is formatted (margins, page numbers, headings, table of contents, etc.) to meet publishing standards.

Book Formatting for Kindle - $250
Book Formatting for Kindle - $250

OKP will ensure the book is formatted (margins, spacing, headings, click through table of contents, etc.) to meet publishing standards.

Amazon KDP Book Set-Up - $100
Amazon KDP Book Set-Up - $100

OKP will set up your book in the Amazon KDP platform to ensure the required information has been entered and the interior and cover files are uploaded so that the projects meets the publishing standards. OKP will troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the platform's review process.

Website/Landing Page - $400
Website/Landing Page - $400

Publishing your book is just the beginning. Having an online home for your followers to get more information, purchase your book, and schedule you for events will help to increase your brand and generate more sales. OKP will design up to five pages of content for your website using your brand and content to customize the look and feel of the website.

Copyright - $200
Copyright - $200

The Author under the copyright law is the creator of the original expression in a work. The author is also the owner of copyright. OKP will assist with setting up the copyright for the author. The author will receive copyright documents which is assigned to the book project.

*Authors may also copyright their book on their own. This is an option if you need assistance with this process.