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If Tears Could Talk, What Would They Say?
Carol Owens Ford, Author

You never know what’s going on in someone’s life unless you know them as a family member, a friend, or just maybe you heard some gossip, or you have taken time to counsel a person or extend a listening ear. But do you see the “tears” that they shed? Happy tears, tears of doubt, tears of pain, tears of celebration, tears that come to break you, tears of frustration, and the list goes on and on. I have shed all of the above and never know when I will shed more.


So often, we see people dressed to the nine, smiling big, walking with their heads up, hair looking good, makeup perfect, dining out, and in so many ways looking like they don't have a care in the world. You don't see the tears. You only see what you see!!! You don’t know how many tears are waiting to explode from within.


Tears are also hidden and so easily disguised. What are they saying? On a good day or a bad day your tears talk. As you turn the pages, you will discover that the love of God is mixed in with every tear drop. Whatever life brings you God will take those tears and use them for His Glory by giving you the courage to handle them, make a way of escape, or rejoice with you as you shed those happy "tears."




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Out of the Ashes I Rise: When Destiny Won't Let You Die
Dr. Patricia M. Ross, Author

For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace,
and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (Jeremiah 29:11 KJV)

God is a Healer and Restorer! The power of God is too great to allow you to die before you fulfill your destiny.  Sometimes life is hard, sometimes life is painful, but God can and will restore your life if you surrender to Him.  Whether through faulty behavior, life choices, or the painful actions of others, many struggle with trauma and distorted emotions.  Making sense of the traumatic incidents and the emotions that followed is difficult. Oftentimes, the ashes of grief, shame, abuse, mistakes, low self-worth, and psychological trauma leave marks deep within your soul.  Nonetheless, healing and deliverance is possible; you do not have to live in a tunnel of darkness and despair any longer. 

Out of the Ashes I Rise, will take you on an honest and transparent spiritual journey which demonstrates that God is control of your destiny.  When God has a plan for your life, death must wait, destruction must flee, and the devil must release his demonic hold over your life.  You can recover from inner hurt, self-condemnation, and toxic memories attached to your past and/or present mindset.  You can be healed; you are more resilient than you think.  You too can successfully arise out of the ashes; the world is waiting on you. 

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Affirmations at Dawn

Zaharah McKinney, Author


Awaken each dawn to the limitless opportunities that await you. 'Affirmations at Dawn’ is a poetic companion to Zaharah's best-selling memoir. It guides you towards self-discovery by reflecting images of your inner strength, resilience, and limitless capability. This collection of affirmations acts as a mirror. When incorporated into your daily routine, it can help you better understand yourself and activate your true potential."


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A Greater Pain: From Bondage to Breakthrough
Dannetta Payne, Author

Power of prayer messages to edify and encourage you while going through life’s pain and how you can overcome it all when you ask God for help.


I am an intercessor, because of my prayer life. I have experienced my share of pain. Together we can get through life’s trials and tribulations when we pray to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There is power in prayer and there is nothing too hard for God. When you go before the throne of God, it brings healing, deliverance, prosperity, peace, love, joy, salvation, and security. When we pray to our heavenly Father, He hears and answers our prayer if we trust in Him. Satan’s job is to keep us bound, and to steal our joy. I promise if you push the pressure of life into praise, God will come and see about you and deliver you right out of your situation. First Thessalonians 5:16-17 says, “Rejoice always, Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances.”


When reading this book, Dannetta Yolanda Payne demonstrates when to pray, how to pray, and what to pray. We all have a reason and a right to pray to our heavenly Father. For every moment that we are here on this earth, we can communicate with God all day long through prayer. When we pray, this gives us access to the Father and it opens doors that no man can close. God wants us to trust in Him, Proverbs 3:5-6 declares, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” (ESV).


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The Student Who Became a Master
Taquarius Ford, Author

Every year the number of millionaires and billionaires is on the rise. How do people start off with zero and become heroes? The patriarchs like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were fully aware of the Powerful Most High God. These wise and enlightened people realized that our very existence is spiritual. Jesus Christ gave His followers the Holy Spirit so that we can break free from the bondage of physical, mental, and financial incarceration. This book is a manual to realizing the Universal principles taught by the Master Himself. You, too, can discover the esoteric formulas which garner health, unlimited wealth, and freedom. You, too, can become a master.


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Kissing in the Church: A Memoir
MacDana Seleçon, Author

Kissing in the Church turns anguish and sorrow into beautiful short stories intertwined with poetry. There is a message for every reader. This timely memoir will resonate with anyone who survived child abuse. Kissing in the Church is sure to bring awareness to an issue that is far reaching and detrimental in every aspect of life if not identified and addressed appropriately. 

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Adjust for the Drift
James Harris, Jr., Author

We all become distracted at one time or another. However, some distractions cause us to drift. This drift can be subtle or drastic. Either way, it will cause us to get off course. If we want to get back on course, we must find our focus again. The objective of this book is to help us learn from King David's drifting and how we recovered his focus. The journey of recovery will differ for everyone. But this journey is one that cannot be doen alone. So jump in the boat, plot the course, and find your focus as you adjust for the drift.

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That's Why We Can't Have Nice Things
James Harris, Jr., Author

Freedom without boundaries is chaos. That may sound extreme but take a moment and think about it. As our culture becomes more sensitive to the needs of self and others, boundaries become more important. People decide what they will and won't tolerate, and others are expected to respect that. But what about God? Do we care enough about Him to respect His boundaries? Look inside to find out what happens when we disrespect God's boundaries, and the freedom we experience by honoring them.

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Taylor Speaks Up
Erica Wingfield, Author

Taylor is super excited that her favorite cousins are coming to visit. During the visit, Taylor has to decide if she is going to "speak up" abouot a secret that she promised her cousin she would keep. Taylor soon discovers that she has to make a difficult choice that may hurt others she loves.

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Lord, Here's My Heart
Inspirational Poetry

Priscilla Speight, Author

Poetry is never outdated. It lives to inspire all ages in all ages. You, too, will be inspired and uplifted as so many others have been as you turn the pages and read simple yet profound expressions by the Ready Writer.

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Before Each Dawn: A Memoir
Zaharah McKinney, Author

Before Each Dawn welcomes you into intimate conversations that are provocative, alluring, elegant, and jarring. Get ready to kick off your shoes and pour a glass for you and your best friend as you read this poigant memoir! The letters exclaim failure, delight, and self-discovery. You'll laugh, cry, and reflect on your triumphs and defeats.

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Between a Rock and a Hard Place:
The Story of a Black Woman Preacher

Rev. Dr. D Amina B. Butts, Author

This hearfelt work written by Rev. Dr. D. Amina B. Butts dispels the myth about the wonderful loving treatment of women in ministry by those whom they serve in the church. Most people think when they see a woman being hugged by those in the church or shaking hands with members in the church that there is support and love for her. So untrue! This book is a tell all truth about how the saints truly feel about women in ministry who simply have a desire to serve God and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

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The Singing Policman
Virginia Knight, Author

This book chronicles the experience of a proud mother who nurtured and encouraged her son's journey from birth to success. She calls him, The Singing Policeman. Louis, the real-life The Singing Policeman is no ordinary African American young male. Growing up, he looked to his older brother who played on the Buffalo Bills. He dreamed of playing in the NFL as a career until it unexpectedly took a turn for the better to support his family. Louis never lost his passion as an energetic, fun-loving, and encouraging young model who attracts youths. The beautiful sound of his singing notes captured his audience's attention including President of the United States, George W. Bush, who gave him two thumbs up.

This true story wsa written specifically for children to encourage them in their own life's journey. The author, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, Virginia Knight wants to encourage young children to always strive to reach their goals. Though life is a struggle, and the journey is not always easy, keep working towards your dream and keep your eyes on the prize...And keep singing.

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Have You Lost Your Mind: I DID
Memoir of an African-American Man

Jonathan Brooks, Author

From the classroom to the jail cell then back to the board room and all the nooks and crannies in between, I grew up in Baltimore, Maryland the youngest of four children to my parents. Life was normal until I finished my degree in Electrical Engineering from Morgan State University. Shortly after that I spiraled into a psychotic episode of a major mental illness. I ended up taking the life of a good friend, which landed me in an institution for the criminally insane facing being loced up forever.

But God was with me even without my permission. I was able to rise up out of that very dark place firmly walking in His grace. I completed certificationa as a peer specialist which allowed me to obtain a position with a non-profit. God's favor continued when I completed my Master's in Public Administration. In less than four years after discharge, I was able to return to that institution as a supervisor in Consumer Affairs.

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He That Winneth Souls is Wise
Mary Lewis, Author

When we marry, we often settle down with the intentions of having a permanent relationship with our spouse, so often not realizing that we do not know the heart of this person. Shortly after getting married, you begin to allow the guard of your heart you had when you were single to be let down, realizing that now the real personality of your mate has just been unfurled right in front of your eyes. Only God knows the heart. Druing these times, test and trials shall surely come to try the very fiber of your marriage covenant vows. The enemy desires to sever the cords of your marriage through the thigns you least imagine. He studies you to break your bond. He That Winneth Souls is Wise will give you insight into the marriage that is honorable with God - this marriage survival rate is higher than you think.

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Who Can Find A Virtuous Woman
{I Have}

Virginia Knight, Author

Virgina Knight is a native of Boston, Massachusetts. She is a former nurse and hairdresser, is a lover of family gatherings and going to church. All who knows her would agree that she is outgoing and fashionable. You will not see her without a bling or sparkle - at the least, you will find it in her smiles. She loves to feast spiritually and naturally with good company, prayer, singing, and laughter. Virginia Knight is a nurturing soul with a sense of humor who cares so much to the extent that you leave her presence feeling uplifted for Christ's sake.

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The Journey of Two Hearts:

One Animal, One Human
Hartford Hough, Author

"Ginger: The Journey of Two Hearts One Animal, One Human" is the incredicle true tale of one man's 12 year journey with is beloved animal companion and how it transformed both of their lives. Told through a series of personal anecdotes, it chronicles their life together and how they affected the many people and animals that surrounded them. Inspiratinal, lighthearted and dramatic stories and adventures of the special bond that is formed between animals and humans, the book chronicles how valuable animals are in the life of mankind.

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Pandemic Chronicles by Way of Poetry
Healing • Hope • Humor

Carol Owens Ford, Author

The author creatively takes you on a journey through insightful healing poetry. Within the pages of Pandemic Chronicles, the words meet you where you are and propel you to a place of greater hope. This timely book will make you laugh, cry, reflect, be comforted, and be pulled deeper into your faith.

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A Journey Through Autism,
Bullying and Spiritual Warfare

Tabitha H. Wilson, PA-C, R.D., Author

Tabitha speaks out passionately with unbridled emotion aobut her raw adn traumatic experience as she battles a prominent school system. While diligently fighting for the rights of her autistic son with behavior challenges and her daughter, a victim of bullying, the circumstances were dismal and complicated by spiritual warfare. Her plight deepened when her son's multiple reports of physical abuse at a renowned hospital were blatantly ignored. The intensity increased for this newly wed, after a work-related sexual assault resulted in unemployment. Just when she though things couldn't get any worse, the COVID-19 pandemic hit too close to home. Through it all, God was her source and only hope.

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The Year of Jubilee
Biblical Principles of Systemic Freedom

James Harris, Jr., Author

We go through life feeling pressured or trapped by situations and circumstances. Some of us buy things we did not even ask for. But God does not want His people to be slaves. He desires us to be freed by His principles and standards. If you want your life and others around you to be free, follow God's principles. This book seeks to explain and apply an Old Testament principle called The Year of Jubilee. This event was set in place to create national freedom and fruitfulness. Even though this principle is not REQUIRED today, it can still be applied to our daily lives. It will take patience and dedication, but your resolve for freedom will carry you through.

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